Medical Directives
An Advanced Medical Directive expresses your preferences for medical care in the event that
you cannot communicate your wishes, and it legally binds your healthcare providers to follow your orders.
You can specify what care you want provided or withheld if you are diagnosed to have a terminal illness
or to be in a permanent coma, and you can name an agent to ensure that your wishes are followed.
Click here for more information.
Durable Power of Attorney for Finances
A durable power of attorney for finances allows you to entrust a friend or family member to manage
your finances without the need for a Conservatorship. When you make a durable power of attorney, you
give your attorney-in-fact full legal authority to handle your financial affairs. In the event you become
incapacitated, this type of arrangement will keep your financial ship afloat by allowing your trusted
agent to perform only those financial duties you explicitly delegate.
Click here for more information.